The Fishing Guild AGM was held at the Auckland Seafood School in the Sanford building, Friday 27 September. The numbers of members attending was less than in previous years as the Auckland and Tauranga boats were fishing through to the end of the Fishing year leaving less crew available to attend the AGM.
This year we had a number of important changes to the Guild Constitution requiring approval from members, so it was important that we met our minimum quorum requirement of 15 members, in order to legally vote on these changes. Fortunately sixteen members turned up on the day.
We welcomed four Guild delegates from the deep-water boats, two from Sealord Nelson and two from Sanford Timaru. It should be noted that the Guild is now predominantly made up of members from deep-water vessels with only a small membership from inshore boats.
The Guild Constitution has undergone a significant revision. This has been overdue and is needed to meet our legal constitutional requirements and to bring more flexibility into the current structure and operational requirements of the Guild.
Changes to the Constitution voted on by members:
• Membership
• Executive of the Guild
• Governance
• Election of Officers
• Annual Meetings
• Conduct of Meetings
To view the Guild Treasurer’s presentation on the Guild Constitution changes please click the button below.
The Guild finances are in good shape. For the 2018/19 year income was $331,390. 66% of income came from membership subscriptions with 28% from contract levies and the balance from dividends and interest.
The Guild posted a surplus last year of around $90,000 and we now have $450,000 of funds under investment.
The Guild owns a commercial property in Nelson – the Nelson Fisherman’s Centre. This used to be a Guild office but is no longer needed and is now leased to tenants. We tried unsuccessfully to sell the Nelson Fisherman’s Centre this year and we now need to invest in improving the building, which has become run down, so it will be more attractive to buyers in the future.
To view the Executive Secretary’s presentation to the Guild AGM please click the button below.