There are several tertiary institutions providing pre-employment and industry training, for young people wanting to start a career in commercial fishing and for people already employed in the industry.

Located in downtown Auckland near the waterfront the New Zealand Maritime School offers a full range of maritime courses from Level 3 through to level 7.
The Maritime industry offers rewarding domestic and international careers. A qualification from New Zealand Maritime School can provide you with a career full of opportunities.
It take you around the globe with a well-paid career with a foreign-going qualification or you can choose to stay closer to home with one of our domestic tickets.
All seagoing ships, be they cruise liners, freighters or technical and research vessels, need physically fit, independent crew who work well as a team.
If you love the ocean and are good at technical subjects, launch your training at the best facility New Zealand has to offer.
Subject areas:
Domestic Maritime
Nautical Foreign-Going
Marine Engineering
Marine Electro-Technology
The following programmes are available in this area of study:
Level 3
New Zealand Certificate in Domestic Maritime Crewing (Level 3) Also known as Qualified Deck Crew (Level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Maritime Crewing (Level 3) Superyacht Crewing This programme leads to the award of the New Zealand Certificate in Maritime Crewing (Level 3) with strands in Deck Crewing, Engineering, Passenger Services, and Superyacht Crewing
Level 4
Certificate in Skipper Restricted Limits (Level 4) Leading to award of New Zealand Certificate in Maritime Operations (Restricted Limits) (Level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Marine Engineering Class 6 (Level 4) with strand in Marine Engineering Class 5 Also known as MEC6 or MEC5
New Zealand Certificate in Maritime Crewing (Level 4) with strands in Deck Crew; Electro-technology; and Engineering
OOW <500GT NC / Mate FV Limited Leading to the award of New Zealand Certificate Maritime Operations with Strands in Fishing and Watch keeping (Level 4)
Skipper Coastal and Offshore Leading to award of New Zealand Certificate in Domestic Maritime Operations (Coastal and Offshore) Level 4
Level 5
Master <500GT NC and Master FV (Limited) Leading to the award of New Zealand Certificate in Maritime Operations (Level 5)
Level 6
Chief Mate Yacht/Master Yacht Leading to award of the New Zealand Diploma in Yacht Operations (Level 6). Optional strand in Master Yacht
New Zealand Diploma in Marine Electro-Technology (Level 6)
New Zealand Diploma in Marine Engineering (Level 6)
New Zealand Diploma in Nautical Science (Level 6)
Level 7
Diploma in Foreign Going Master or Chief (Level 7)
Rabobank Tower, 3 Commerce St, Auckland CBD
0800 744 722

Mahurangi Technical Institute offers a range of maritime qualifications taught by highly qualified and experienced tutors, for people already employed on commercial vessels. Courses include.
STCW – Basic
(Standards Training Certification & Watchkeeping). The STCW courses are mandatory for most people working in the commercial maritime industry
Qualified Deck Crew
This programme is suited to people employed as deckhands on commercial vessels. Most of the qualification syllabus can be achieved on-job and recognises the skills and knowledge already established by employees on commercial vessels.
Skipper Restricted Limits
This programme is designed for people who wish to be a skipper of a commercial vessel up to 24 metres in length, operating up to 12 nautical miles off the New Zealand coast.
(09) 571 0190
Head of Department, Peter Usher. Administrator, Alison Clifford

Start your maritime career right here with skipper’s license courses and a range of other maritime qualifications that are endorsed by Maritime New Zealand.
Our courses are designed to allow you to study while you work and improve your qualifications at the same time, with options like flexible start times and assessments in the workplace.
Maritime Courses
Start your maritime career right here with skipper’s license courses and a range of other maritime qualifications that are endorsed by Maritime New Zealand.
Our courses are designed to allow you to study while you work and improve your qualifications at the same time, with options like flexible start times and assessments in the workplace.
Maritime Operations – Skipper Restricted Limits (Level 4)
New Zealand Certificate in Domestic Maritime Crewing (Level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Fishing Vessel Crewing (Level 3)
New Zealand Certificate in Maritime Crewing (Level 2)
STCW-10 Standards of Training Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers
0800 86 46 46

The International Maritime Institute of New Zealand (IMINZ) is part of Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology and is a leading provider of training for the fishing industry. IMINZ provides a broad range of courses relevant to the fishing industry, from someone just starting out, to Master of a Deep Sea Fishing Vessel without limitation.
Programmes and Courses

Diploma in Nautical Science Level 6
Diploma in Marine Engineering Class 3 and Class 4 Level 6
Maritime Operations- Skipper Fishing Vessel Limited / Master 500t Near Coastal Level 5
Maritime Operations – Skipper Coastal Offshore Level 4
Maritime Operations – Mate Fishing Vessel Limited / Watch-keeper Deck 500t Near Coastal Level 4
Certificate in Marine Engineering Class 5 / Class 6 Level 4
Maritime Operations – Skipper Restricted Limits Level 4
Maritime Crewing STCW Able Seafarer Deck / STCW Able Sea Farer Engine / STCW Electro-technical Rating Level 4
New Zealand Certificate in Domestic Maritime Crewing Level 3
Maritime Crewing STCW Deck Watch Rating / STCW Engine Watch Rating Level 3
New Zealand Certificate in Fishing Vessel Crewing Level 3
(03) 546 9175, 0800 422 733
Katherine Walker IMINZ Manager

The Westport Deep Sea Fishing School is the leading provider of new entrants into the NZ fishing industry with around 85 of our students placed into full time employment in 2016 and several thousand over the 26 years the school has been operating.
Peter Maich and his team operate a residential program created around practical training that builds skills and experience aimed at getting our students into full time employment. These programs are based on industry created and NZQA approved qualifications and fully supported by our leading seafood companies.
New to the fishing industry then choose from the programs below, NZQA approved, industry created pre-employment programs to get you trained and working at sea.
These programs will give you the skills you need to be confident when you take your first voyage on a fishing vessel.
The programs are heavy in practical learning and aimed to create the skill set needed for a successful start in the NZ fishing industry
Over the age of 18 and wanting to get started then this is for you:
Level 2 National Certificate in Seafood Processing
NZ Citizens Only
Under the age of 18 then our no-fees Youth Guarantee program is for you:
Youth Guarantee No-Fees Program
New Zealand Certificate in Fishing Vessel Crewing level 3
Level 2 at Sea Processing National Certificate
We offer these NZ and International programs for the Advanced Deckhand Fishing (ADH-F) and Skipper Restricted Limits (SRL) and can provide final MNZ exams where required.
STCW Basic
Fire Fighting and Fire Prevention
Personal Survival Techniques
Personal Safety and Social Responsibility
STCW Elementary First Aid
NZ citizens
International Students
New Zealand Certificate in Fishing Vessel Crewing level 3
Leading to the MNZ licence Advanced Deckhand Fishing
NZ citizens
International Students
NZ Certificate in Domestic Maritime Operations Level 4
Leading to the MNZ licence
Skipper Restricted Limits